Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The SteamWolf Blog has moved!

I've moved the blog to it's own dedicated website at http://blog.steamwolf.com

The posts that are here will remain, all future updates will be on the new blog! Thank you.

Monday, March 3, 2014

I won Myth Masque's Costumer's Challenge!

As it turns out, I won 3rd place in the Myth Masque costumer’s challenge for my Water Dragon. I’m pretty excited overall, I get some free passes to the 2014 event. I can’t wait to show everyone what I’ve been working on for this year. I wanted to say a huge “Thank You” to everyone who voted for me the in challenge. It’s pushing me to create my best work yet!

Speaking of Myth Masque, this year’s theme has been announced. According to the Facebook page it’s...
 “Omne trium perfectum” ~ Everything that comes in threes is perfect. 

Now, for the unveiling of our first official theme: in a momentous Year Three, we are thrilled to present: 'Thrice Upon a Dream'…

As the triad represents the only number equal to the sum of all its terms below, MYTH has now spread its wings after the summation of two extraordinary years. Looking to the past, the present, and the future, we wish to call upon the contrary, the contrasted, and to those with visionary souls who dare to dream impossible dreams.

This year we encourage you, our guests, to participate by weaving yourselves into our Triskelion Tapestry… We invite you to conjure your concepts and fabricate attire influenced by the structure of threes. Be it a triquetra of heartstricken lovers, as were Mina, Jonathan, and Dracula; an enigma of trinities: Heaven, Earth, Underworld; or ever-intersecting triune deities: Artemis, Selene, Hecate… We welcome you to focus your costumes around any occurrences of three throughout folklore and mythology.

In addition, we encourage attendees to reach deeply into the Delphian power of Dream, Nightmare and the legendary denizens therein…

To serve as color-scheme inspiration, may we suggest enchanting purples: amethyst, aubergine and amaranthine hues, and shades of poison green: viridian, absinthe, and emerald.

Do take note!: we will select three costumes best representative of our theme, and offer these magnificently imaginative guests Passports to our 2015 mythical celebration.

Go now…conceive, concoct and create! Actualize your true forms, be they dark and stygian, from deep within the shadows, or resplendent and luminous as the fathomless light beneath the gloss of sophistication. It is said that Three’s a Charm…and we simply cannot wait to witness the fabled perfection you have in store for us this year.

TICKETS now available to the Third Annual MYTH Masquerade Ball: 'Thrice Upon a Dream' ~ www.mythmasque.com/tickets.html

Photo: Erich Sayers with Nickie Jean adorned in Metal Body Art